

During my studies, I lived alone in a studio and I always had some trouble doing my daily shopping. So one day, I had an idea: "Why won't I create an application to create shopping lists from the dishes I want to eat this weak ?". That's how the concept of SmartTrolley was born: first, create some recipes, and so import them into a shopping list.


Recipe list and recipe view

The user could create access to the existing recipes to see them in detail (ingredients with quantity) or create a new one. In a recipe view, he can add/remove ingredients or manage their quantity.

Ingredient list and adding a new ingredient

The user can create new ingredients or manage the existing ones.

Shopping cart list and shopping cart view

Here is the main feature of the application: the creation of shopping lists. After creating a "Shopping Cart" the user can import the ingredients (with their quantity) from a recipe or add them one by one from the ingredient list. While he is shopping, he could just touch one ingredient in the list to check it and remove it temporarily from the list.

Download link: SmartTrolley