
Engineer School (First Year - 2018 2019) - Computing specialisation

Realization of a Django commercial website with a dashboard, geolocalization, and statistics per clients

Realization of Java simulated application, using A* algorithm in simulated maps to help disabled people to get oriented in a shopping center

Engineer School (Second Year - 2019 2020) - Information Systems specialisation

Realization of Java EE website to connect doctors' offices, doctors, and patients.

Setting up a server for a school association to store files and host web services.

Engineer School (Third Year - 2020 2021) - Embedded Systems specialisation

RobAFIS: Robotic and Systems engineering contest: construction and the development of an Arduino Robot with a sonic sensor, color sensors, and a line follower sensor

Realization of a C# Windows application using biometric captors for National Gendarmerie (French Armed Forces)